Our focus is on supplying quality plant material at competitive pricing to ensure that your projects are successful. Order ahead for pick up or delivery, or make your own selections from our fully stocked sales yard.
956A Old Highway #2, RR#2, Trenton ON
613-392-0402 trentonsales@connon.ca
Trade Professional Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Closed on Sundays
Suppliers to both Trade Professionals and Home Gardeners, we work hard to maintain our valuable relationships with both markets. Given this unique relationship, you are welcome to meet your clients in our sales yards to go over drawings, explore options for planting, and discuss your project. What better place to introduce your planting concept to your client, than right in the nursery? Our selection offers you everything from perennials to caliper sized trees and conifers, and our nursery beds are displayed to highlight planting combinations, contrasts and textures.
Our industry-leading growing partners produce annuals, foliage plants, and everything you require to complete your projects.